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Best of Campos Altos 2022 Coffee Auction

Selected European roasters will receive a sample set of the competition's 12 winning coffees. Don't miss your chance to join the auction!

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Campos Altos Green Coffee Beans - Minas Gerais, Brazilian Coffee

The Cooperativa Agropecuária de Campos Altos (Capeca) in Minas Gerais, Brazil, is inviting European roasters to take part in their 7th auction on October 27th.

On this date, a small number of green coffee buyers will have the chance to buy one (or many!) of the 12 winning coffees of the cooperative's quality competition.

Only 10  roasters registered on Algrano will have access to the samples thanks to a partnership between Algrano and Capeca. 

Important Dates & Information

Bidding Deadline: 18.10.2022
Send Bids to:
Auction Date: 27.10.2022, 4 pm BRT (9 pm CET)
Duration: 1 hour
Winners Announcement: 27.10.2022, 8 pm BRT (12 am CET)
Shipment: December 2022
ETD: March 2023

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How it works

Samples: You will receive 12 samples of green coffee with a code, a category (Natural or Pulped Natural) and the number of bags available. They need to be cupped by the 18th of October.

The auction: This is a hybrid auction, with buyers bidding in loco and remotely. Luiza Furquim, Brazilian native and Algrano’s Content Manager, will represent buyers during the auction.

Bidding: The bid submitted equals the farmgate price for the coffee. An exporting fee between US$ 25,00 and US$ 50,00 per sack (US$ 0,41 - US$ 0,83/kg) will be added to the final price, giving you the FOB. The FCA price will be calculated at the time of contracting with Algrano. 

Lowest bid: The minimum bid will be around R$ 1.700,00 per 60 kg sack (approximately US$ 330,00 or US$ 5,50/kg). In 2021, the average winning bid was around US$ 8/kg).*

Auction winners: Buyers with winning bids will be announced on the day. Roasters will be informed of the result immediately by Algrano. The FOB and FCA prices will be confirmed as soon as the purchase is officialised with Capeca.

Delivery: The coffees will be exported by Capeca on a shared shipment scheduled for December. The estimated delivery month is March. 

*The currency exchange rate will be fixed on the day of the auction. Capeca will donate 10% of the purchase value to a charity for homeless people.

Coffee Producer's Testimonials

Campos Altos Green Coffee Beans - Minas Gerais, Brazilian Coffee

The Coffee Terroir

Campos Altos (High Grounds in Portuguese) is the highest microregion in Cerrado Mineiro, West of Minas Gerais, with altitudes of up to 1200 m above sea level. 

A buffer zone between Cerrado and the Atlantic Forest, Campos Altos has a rich biome and a good rainfall index that makes irrigation systems unnecessary. 

The region is surrounded by four mountain ranges: Serra da Canastra, Serra da Saudade, Serra do Urubu and Serra do Salitre. The average temperature ranges from 18.6℃  to 19.5℃.

The region’s potential for quality is recognised both internally and abroad. In 2020, Campos Altos produced around 150,000 60 kg bags of coffee, most of which were exported. 

There are roughly 15 million coffee trees being cultivated in an area of 9,135.7 hectares. Campos Altos' history in coffee dates back to the early 20th century and the coffee sector is the main source of jobs for locals. 

Algrano x Capeca

Algrano was contacted by Capeca's manager Bruno Antonio Franco, owner of Inhame Farm, to invite coffee roasters to the auction for the second time. 

In 2021, Algrano roasters secured five winning lots, all single-farm coffees scoring between 85 and 88 points.

In September, a team of Q-Graders selected by CAPECA cupped and ranked dozens of lots submitted by local coffee producers. The jury chose the six best coffees in the categories Natural and Pulped Natural. 

“We are very impressed with the quality of the Pulped Naturals this year. Usually, the Naturals are the showstoppers. But this time the Pulped Naturals can end up getting higher bids," says Bruno.

Campos Altos Green Coffee Beans - Minas Gerais, Brazilian Coffee

Greetings and the best of luck from the auctioneer, Mr. Marco Aurelio Fiorite Franco! 

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