
ABFW Amahoro Fugi CWS

Baho Coffee

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BAHO Coffee Company
Red Bourbon
Process type
Fully washed
Harvest period
May, 2020 - May, 2020
Seller's cupping score (SCA)
85.0 points
Updated July, 2020
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The coffee story

Name: Fugi CWS
Location: Nyaruguru district, Southern Province
Altitude of the washing station: 1550 masl
Altitude of the farms: 1550-1850 masl
Varieties: Red Bourbon
Processing methods: Washed, Natural, Honey
Average precipitation: 1377 mm
Average temperature: 17,9 °C

At Fugi, producers bring their cherries to the washing station by bicycle, on foot, or to the central collection site. Fugi is equipped with two drying shelters, which provide shade to rest and sort the coffee beans, immediately after washing. The following day, the coffee moves to the drying beds where sorting continues by hand, every day of the drying process, to ensure all defects are removed. To get the coffee to a stable 12,8% moisture content, the coffee is dried with direct sunlight. If the sun is too hot, the beans are covered with penetrable sheets, although Fugi knows a very stable temperature curve throughout the year. At this station, we experiment with different processing methods so as to push boundaries and improve our understanding and skills. This station is known to produce very clean, and vibrant coffees.