
Cafesmo Specialty Blend Natural

Cafesmo Ocotepeque Honduras

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Cafesmo Ocotepeque Honduras
Icatu, Pacas, Obata, Lempira, Parainema
Process type
Natural/Sun Dried
Altitude range
1400m - 1700m
Harvest period
October, 2021 - March, 2022
Seller's cupping score (SCA)
84.0 points
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The coffee story

We, the 250+ members who together form ‘CAFESMO’, have been collaborating for many years, and have formalized our cooperation in 2016. Our individual fincas are relatively small, most of them ranging roughly from 2 to 12 hectares, but united we stand strong, and together we stand for our motto: ‘diversity and quality’.

All of our finca’s are FTO certified. Even more importantly: through careful selection, we are slowly perfecting the varieties that we grow on specific altitudes or soils, as well as our growing techniques, and are now able to offer an expanding array of specialty profiles. In the beginning of 2019, we have exported our first container of micro-lots, to the United Kingdom. 

The area where we cultivate coffee, a large zone around the hills of Mercedes, is located in the very south of Honduras, a stone’s throw from El Salvador and Guatemala. Our plantations are protected by some of the country’s highest peaks. 

On the west side, Cerro Pital proudly towers above our fincas, and on the other flanks, Guisayote National Reserve and the Pacayita volcano create ideal conditions to grow coffee. The omnipresence of mountains creates highly beneficial micro-climates, as well as a diverse fauna and flora on and around the plantations, with plentiful natural shade.

The region of Ocotepeque is furthermore known for its rich soil and perfect altitude range to grow unique, richly flavored coffees. We are convinced that Mercedes and Ocotepeque will continue to gain in fame over the next few years, and deservedly so.

Our members grow coffee between 950 and 2,000 meter (3,100 to 6,500ft), though most of the land is located between 1,200 and 1,600 meters. Thanks to this varied topography, we have a long harvest season, that starts late October and lasts until March. 

Our Coffee Varieties includes: Pacas, Lempira, Parainema, Catuaí, Obatá, Colombia, IHCAFE90…

We have our own wet mill and dry mill and for our specialty coffees we prepare fully washed, semi-washed, red honey, black honey, and natural lots. More recently, we have started to work with Carbonic Maceration (Anaerobic), which has resulted in some of our best profiles yet. So, we have decided to increase our focus on anaerobic preparations, because we are simply in love with the richness and breadth of the profiles we get from it. 

Our motto is ‘diversity and quality’ and that not only goes for our coffees. Our members are also a diverse group and each stands for their own quality. We have young people as well as less young members, women and men, someone who is a microbiologist, and one who has been an elementary school teacher his whole adult life, next to growing coffee.

CAFESMO is a proudly Honduran initiative and entirely run by Hondurans, but we collaborate with people from Canada, the US, and the Netherlands. This is why we can work directly with small importers and roasters, and why we are happy to answer any queries in Spanish, English, French, German, Italian, and Dutch. 

Together, we stand for ‘diversity and quality’, together we stand strong.


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The process

WHAT DOES THE PROCESS CONSIST OF? This is probably the oldest and possibly also the simplest process. It requires little machinery, but more labor. This method consists of drying the entire bean, without removing the cherry or husk. HOW DO YOU GET A NATURAL COFFEE? The process depends on the producer’s facilities, but generally speaking, it’s as follows: First, the ripest beans are picked, classified, and cleaned. Beans that are not ripe enough or that have suffered from an insect bite or otherwise, are discarded. This can be done manually or in a separation canal. Then, the beans are dried either in a patio or on African beds. During the process, they must be raked frequently to assure a homogenous result. Usually, it takes around 20 days to dry the beans to the desired humidity level, but it can take up to four weeks. This stage is vital for the final quality of the green coffee, and of course for the flavors as well. If the beans end up too dry, they can fissure or otherwise be damaged and will not make it through the next stage of the selection process. But, if the beans are not dry enough, the humidity may attract fungus or bacteria. QUALITIES AND DESCRIPTORS These coffees tend to have a strong body, low acidity, and they often develop exotic flavors and descriptors. It’s common to find winey notes and intense fruits too

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