
Don Claudio Washed

Coopeagri R.L.

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Costa Rica
Coopeagri R.L.
Caturra, Catuai
Process type
Fully washed
Altitude range
1400m - 2000m
Harvest period
January, 2019 - January, 2019
Seller's cupping score (SCA)
82.75 points
Updated March, 2019
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The coffee story

CoopeAgri is located in the Region Brunca in the south of Costa Rica. This is one of Costa Rica's biggest areas for coffee plantation and other agricultural products.

Average Altitude: 1400 to 2100 meters above sea level
Topography: mountainous, hilly
Soil Type: volcanic
Temperature: 22°C
Humidity: 70%
Harvest method: Hand picking
Particularities: Highly appreciated coffee not only because of its perfect aspects but also for its sweet flavour

The name of this coffee was given in the honour of Don Claudio, the first president of the CoopeAgri project. He was concerned about the situation of growers in the 1950s and 1960s. While everyone was looking for their own benefit, it was Don Claudio who sought to create a sense of unity and find solutions to economical problems. This year the special Don Claudio coffee produced by CoopeAgri participated in the Cup of Excellence contest, having passed the first stage.

The process

Fully washed coffee which is processed mechanically in an eco-friendly mill.