Vava Coffee

Commercial Representative
Verified Seller
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New to Algrano, B-Corp, Farmer empowerment

Vava Coffee is a Certified B-Corp with a social enterprise business model that has a network of coffee producers in different regions of East Africa.Vava coffee exports, roasts and consults on coffee value chains, the company aims to contribute to better future prospects for coffee communities   and the industry as a whole. We are geared towards sustainable livelihoods for the people and communities we work with. Our vision is to challenge the status quo and promote positive social disruption within the Coffee industry.Located in the picturesque Kajiado county inhabited by the calm yet courageous Maasai community, we work in this atypical coffee growing region to influence and transform communities by providing economic empowerment opportunities using coffee - we do this through trade, education and capacity building with a sharp focus on elevating the opportunities for women and girls in these communities.

Trusted by

Nord Kaffe AS Bell Lane Coffee

"We´ve known about Vava Angwenyi and her work for a few years and was finally able to visit in early 2020. We just love her approach to coffee and her understanding of the larger picture of the impact the industry currently has and the potential for improvement. Vava Specialty Coffee seeks to create sustainable livelihoods for smallholder farmers as well as integrate more women and youth within the entire supply chain, and we are all into that. And also – the coffees we´ve had the pleasure of roasting and introduced are just great!"

Andreas Rød, Nord Kaffe AS

"Usually, when people hear of Vava, they think of her impact on the community and coffee industry, but it's worth mentioning that this great work also reflects on all the coffee that comes from Vava. Beautiful, crisp and complex washed lots, this year (2021) we had the opportunity to get a natural processed that still tastes like a typical Kenya but with an added layer of sweetness."

Tess Martin, Bell Lane Coffee


  • 80 sales on Algrano
  • 2 Avg. orders per roaster
  • 46 Roaster relationships
  • Seller relationships with Roasters in


  • FairTrade
  • Rainforest Alliance
    Rainforest Alliance
  • Rainforest Alliance
    Rainforest Alliance
  • FairTrade