
Guesha-El Socorro

Venezuela Coffee Co.

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Oscar Guerrero - Villa del Socorro
Process type
Fully washed
Altitude range
1670m - 1750m
Harvest period
October, 2022 - February, 2023
Seller's cupping score (SCA)
84.0 points
Updated April, 2023

"Sweet aroma of panela and grapefruit, taste of grapefruit and hazelnut with a sweet, juicy and long lasting after taste. Mediun and citric acidity with medium creamy body. Balanced coffee." - Venezuela Coffee Co., April, 2023

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The coffee story

Villa del Socorro is a coffee farm situated in Mesa de Quintero, Mérida state, Venezuela. It is located at an altitude of approximately 1700 meters in the valleys of the Mocotíes area, which is part of the Maracaibo Lake basin that connects to the Caribbean Sea. The area has a historical tradition of exceptional coffee cultivation, and is recognized as a producer of some of the best coffees in Venezuela. The climate is heavily influenced by Lake Maracaibo and the soil is very fertile.

Oscar Guerrero, a coffee farmer, started in the coffee industry 12 years ago as a trader and exporter of coffee to Colombia. He later became involved in helping the producers of the area with machinery, financing, and fertilizers, which led him to establish himself as a producer. Extremely committed to quality and exceptional coffees, he sought to plant little-known varieties such as Villa Nueva and Gesha in the area with the help of a technician and good friend, achieving very promising results.

On an extension of 30 hectares, Guerrero produces about 30 thousand kg per year of these two varieties under a sustainable criterion through reforestation of the area. His success has spread rapidly throughout the small community and motivated other landowners to follow in his footsteps. Guerrero's crops are grown in shade, and his farm is now recognized for producing some of the best coffee.

The process

Fully Washed Fermented. Mechanical Depulped, Fermented for Demucilaguing, Washed and Sud Dried in Patio.