Mount Elgon Washed A+

Mt Elgon Agroforestry Communities Cooperative Enterprise Ltd

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  • 6 sales on Algrano
  • 1 Avg. orders per roaster
  • 6 Roaster relationships
Mt Elgon Agroforestry Communities Cooperative Enterprise Ltd
Red Bourbon
Process type
Fully washed
Altitude range
1300m - 2100m
Harvest period
August, 2023 - February, 2024
Algrano's cupping score (SCA)
85.25 points
Updated September, 2023
Available quantity
540 X 60 kg bags
Minimum order quantity (MOQ)
50 bags
Pay in your preferred currency
You can choose between USD, CHF, EUR, or GBP.
Pay 10 days after placing the order
No financing costs
Buy now, pay later
Financing costs apply until the coffee is released.

The coffee story

Coffee farmers on Mt Elgon do the lion’s share of the work in producing coffee but oftentimes receive the least amount of money (averaging at less than 1 USD/lb) & recognition. The quality of our coffee comes down to the hard work and dedication of the 3000 farmers who produce it with such care. 

The ultimate goal of MEACCE Ltd is to ensure that the little proceeds and premiums generated from the sale of our members’ coffee are invested in community development projects that are geared towards improving their standards of living, climate change adaptation and mitigation as well as promoting gender equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) plus safeguarding people in all aspects of economy and governance.

Our vision is to have a socially and economically thriving community within a sustainable environment and our strategy is not to trade in members’ produce but to help members market their products to their advantage.

We produce high-quality coffee of 84+ points on the SCA system with unique attributes of citrus fruit, dark chocolate, floral, fresh bread, tropical fruit, brown spices, brown sugar, medium acidity, good round body, clean, well balanced and sweet aftertaste produced by predominantly agroforestry smallholder communities who are conscious of climate change and gender justice.

The uniqueness with this coffee is that as you sit and take that small cup of coffee from MEACCE, you are not only enjoying the good quality but also significantly contributing towards climate change mitigation and adaptation, gender justice as well as improving the living standards of the small holder farmer on the slopes of Mt Elgon.

The process

Harvested as red ripe cherries, pulped immediately, fermented and washed. Carefully dried until it attains a moisture content of 12%. Well graded and sorted to produce a clean well-balanced cup.

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