
Finca La Colina - San Martin Jilotepeque - Caturra - FW

The Guat Lab by TTCo Exports

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La Colina
Process type
Fully washed
Altitude range
1580m - 1700m
Harvest period
January, 2020 - January, 2020
Seller's cupping score (SCA)
85.5 points
Updated April, 2020

"Farm: Finca La Colina
Producer: Antonio (Tony) Medina
Farm size: 179 hectares
Location: San Martin Jilotepeque town, Chimaltenango department, Guatemala
Altitude: 1700 m
Average temperatures: 16C - 23C
Cultivated varieties: Caturra and Bourbon
Processes: Washed
Cup Profile: Floral, Dark Chocolate, Citric, Juicy.

La Colina means The Hill. The farm received its name after the rocky and mountainous terrain where it is located. The farm has been in the Medina family for 3 generations, but coffee is still a new crop: the plantation is just over 10 years old. Working with coffee was Tony's dream and he learned from other growers how to cultivate it whilst producing beans and corn.

Only one-quarter of the farm is being used for coffee, with the rest kept untouched as a natural reserve certified by the National Institution of Protection of Forests. It is full of old cypresses, oaks and pine trees. La Colina is also blessed with abundant streams of freshwater that are used in the coffee processing.

This coffee is depulped and sees a dry fermentation phase for around 36 hours before being washed and taken to patios for sun-drying."

- The Guat Lab by TTCo Exports, April, 2020

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