Past Private

Washed sidamo guji gr 2

Gujoo Trading PLC

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Gujoo Trading PLC
74112, 74110
Process type
Fully washed
Altitude range
2150m - 2420m
Harvest period
March, 2023 - March, 2023
Seller's cupping score (SCA)
82.5 points
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The coffee story

Wate Washing Station
Elevation of farms: 2000 m – 2480 m
Varieties: Locally known varieties: Badessa, wolichu, kudhume. Scientific names: 74110, 74158 and
Processing: Washed, Honey, Natural and experimental lots
Area: 4 has
Location: Hambela Wamena Woreda, West Guji Zone
Number of drying beds: 250
Number of Coffee supplying Farmers: 9,000
Coffee supplying kebeles: Deri kidame, Banti Nenka, Gute Sodu, Buku Sayissa, Dimtu
Manager: Mr. Melese Zenebe
Number of employees: 6 permanent 190 seasonal

The process

Red cherries are collected from outgrowers, pulped and put on African raised beds until it dries to 11.5 moisture content.