
Tigist Mitiku

Konga Coffee

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  • 9 sales on Algrano
  • 1 Avg. orders per roaster
  • 9 Roaster relationships
Konga Coffee
Process type
Natural/Sun Dried
Altitude range
1900m - 2000m
Harvest period
October, 2021 - February, 2022
Algrano's cupping score (SCA)
86.25 points
Updated February, 2022
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Pay 10 days after placing the order
No financing costs
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Financing costs apply until the coffee is released.

The coffee story

Tigist Mitiku is a woman producing coffee in the Konga area in Yirgacheffe district. Tigist is a mother of five  (three boys and two girls). She used to deliver her coffee to a nearby cooperative called Konga which is affiliate of Yirgacheffe Coffee Farmers Cooperative Union (YCFCU). But, since 2018 she joined other single producer exporters. As agroforestry is tradition in the Gedeo zone, where yirgacheffe coffee grows, her family also maintains the coffee under shade tree and also by intercropping with false banana, a plant that has a vital role in maintaining soil fertility and moisture, specially during dry seasons. To further improve productivity home made compost is used to fertilize her coffee. Overall quality of coffee is significantly improving in the region since the single producers are allowed to directly export their coffee to roasters abroad. Tigist is among the leading quality coffee suppliers in the areas. Her farm is mostly planted with the new varietal coffee which is locally called "Kudhume". The Kudhumes are small bean coffees with higher density compared to the others beans.

The process

Cherries are collected from the coffee tree. Then they will be brought to a sorting table before they are taken to a raised bed where they are kept for an average of 20 days. By checking moisture level if it has attained 11.5% or less than the dried coffee will be taken to the warehouse. When the need comes it will be processed for shipment.