
La Milagrosa Washed Colombia

Productores de la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta

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Productores de la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta
Yellow Colombia
Process type
Fully washed
Altitude range
1530m - 1550m
Harvest period
January, 2020 - January, 2020
Seller's cupping score (SCA)
85.0 points
Updated February, 2020

"This washed micro-lot comes from Finca La Milagrosa in the town of Minca, Magdalena. Farmer Luis Dib David not only grows coffee but also rents rooms to travellers visiting the region, one of Sierra Nevada's hottest tourist destinations. This lot was machine pulped with a dry fermentation process and drying in patio and marquesina. A complex coffee, it has a light lactic acidity, like yoghurt, which adds depth to the fruity and chocolatey profile. " - Productores de la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, February, 2020

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