
48h Honey Nano-lot

Altos de Vista Nieve

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Altos de Vista Nieve
Castillo, Colombia
Process type
Altitude range
1500m - 1700m
Harvest period
December, 2019 - December, 2019
Seller's cupping score (SCA)
84.75 points
Updated January, 2020

"This lot comes from Finca Altos de Vista Nieve in Magdalena and was grown under unique climatic conditions. The Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, a mountain range on the Caribbean coast, is blessed with a gentle sea breeze that makes our coffees special. The altitude also provides a good temperature gradient to slow the cherry maturation and stress the fruit, yielding more sugars. Finca Platanal belongs to the Vives' family and was chosen for some of the first experimental lots from Luis Vives. Fermented inside a tank for 48 hours before sun-drying on raised beds, this coffee has notes of dark fruits (think plum) and cacao nibs with a rich, syrupy body." - Altos de Vista Nieve, January, 2020

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