
Blend del Cluster

Procafees SAS

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Procafees SAS
Castillo, Colombia
Process type
Fully washed
Altitude range
1550m - 1900m
Harvest period
November, 2019 - November, 2019
Seller's cupping score (SCA)
83.5 points
Updated January, 2020

"This regional blend was created by 8 farmers from Santander's Coffee Cluster as a representation of the region's more traditional profile. This washed lot has a great body and a sweetness that reminds us of panela, our national sweet made from the juice of the sugar cane. As a regional blend, each farmer processed their coffee their own way, some with single and some with double fermentation prior to washing. The drying process is also a mix, but we all adjusted our humidity levels to achieve consistency and balance. The contributors to this blend are Gonzalo Mancilla, Finca San Fernando (Piedecuesta); Diego Carlier, Finca Buena Vista (Socorro); Paola Díaz Castillo, Finca El Placer (Socorro); Oscar Daza Bautista, Hacienda La Pradera (Aratoca); Joel M. Villalta, Finca San Sebastián (Aratoca); Hilda Mejía, Finca El Sauce (Curití); Félix Torres Morantes, Finca Hoyo Frío (Curití); and Ricardo Gonzales, Finca Las Margaritas (Confines)." - Procafees SAS, January, 2020

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