
Carmen Honey Micro Lote 1-2021

La Esperanza

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  • 3 sales on Algrano
  • 2 Avg. orders per roaster
  • 2 Roaster relationships
La Esperanza
Castillo, Colombia
Process type
Altitude range
1550m - 1650m
Harvest period
October, 2022 - January, 2023
Seller's cupping score (SCA)
86.0 points
Pay in your preferred currency
You can choose between USD, CHF, EUR, or GBP.
Pay 10 days after placing the order
No financing costs
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Financing costs apply until the coffee is released.

The coffee story

This honey micro-lot comes from the highest lot of La Esperanza and it was prepared by me, Paola, and my sisters Leidy and Adriana. We named it as Carmen as a tribute to the Virgin of Carmen, a saint to which both our grandparents are devoted to. My sisters and I put a lot of dedication and care into this coffee, controlling and monitoring the post-harvest until the beans achieved the ideal fermentation and moisture levels. We love the heavy body and funkiness of this honey and hope you enjoy it too!

The process

My sisters and I put a lot of dedication and care into this coffee, controlling and monitoring the post-harvest until the beans achieved the ideal fermentation and moisture levels. The ripe cherries were manually picked and, after the removal of floaters and green beans, we left them to rest for 20 hours before pulping under controlled temperatures of no more than 35 grades centigrader. We then depulped the cherries on a machine dedicated to our best lots and fermented the beans in mucilage for another 26 hours. We used marquesinas on the top of the beneficiader to dry the coffee, using humidity meters to determine when to stop the process.