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Finca Liquidámbar - André Meléndez - Natural Pache Catuaí

The Guat Lab by TTCo Exports

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The Guat Lab by TTCo Exports
Pache, Catuaí
Process type
Natural/Sun Dried
Altitude range
1520m - 1710m
Harvest period
January, 2021 - March, 2021
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The coffee story

Farm: Finca Liquidámbar
Producer: Walter Meléndez and André Meléndez
Farm manager: André Meléndez
Farm size: 69 hectares
Location: San Pedro Pinula town, Jalapa department, Guatemala. Near the Tobón volcano
Altitude: 1450 - 1650 m
Soil: Red clay
Cultivated varieties: Bourbon, Catuaí, Caturra. We also have seedlings of Pacamara and Gesha that we're starting to grow
Processes: Washed, Honey and Natural

Finca Liquidámbar is a new farm. My father Walter has been in coffee for over 20 years, selling cherries to exporters in other parts of the country. He bought the farm 9 years ago and I have joined him two years ago to help manage the farm and the post-harvest. At that time, market prices were so low that my father wanted to sell the farm and focus on the cattle we also have for milk production. I insisted that we didn't sell and instead decided to invest in redesigning our processing plant.

Today we have a new depulper from Penagos and can process our coffee up to parchment. We have a new mechanical drier for washed lots and polytunnels to dry our natural lots. We also have patios covered with a mesh that stops the beans from touching the floor whilst allowing air to circulate. When we first bring coffees to dry on the patios it looks like a sea of cherries!

I have been working with Mario and Chris from Truth Trading Co for about a year now, after having met during a pre Q Grader course here in Guatemala. I want to improve my cupping skills so that I can better understand our coffees. 

The process

Hand-picked, floated in water and dried on raised beds in a solar drier.